Dodo Peak

Apple Arcade Launch Title. Qubert-inspired arcade game in which you, the mother Dodo, collect your lost baby dodo eggs.

As a tech artist I got to work directly with our Engineer, Executive Producer, Creative Lead, Concept Artist, and others on many parts of the game. I was first hired as a QA tester, so my main goal while working with the crew at Moving Pieces was to contribute using my tech art skills over time. Through working closely with our Executive Producer, Patrick McAvena, I took on work in character art and animation, environment art, scripting, UI, and optimization.

Check the game out on the Moving Pieces website!

Unreal, Houdini, Blender, Substance Designer, Python, XCode, Instruments (Mac)


June 2019 - Jan 2020


3D prop, environment art and animation

Workflow automation


Moving Pieces IO


Technical Artist

3D Generalist



Opportunity: A ton of time would be spent on both baking lightmaps and building the game for many devices for QA and testing. We supported all recent iOS and iPadOS devices as well as TvOS and Mac.

Solution: I made these 2 tools to let us automate both baking and building the game for different devices.

Result: Awesome! We could set bake lightmaps and package overnight for all devices we needed to test on. Faster iteration!

Environment Art + Prop Animation

Worked with Executive Producer to learn the Houdini workflow and create level terrain using grid data from the hand-placed level block-outs in Unreal.

3D Modeling + Animation

Modeled all of these and other outfits for our Dodos! Also animated some props in the Ice and Lava levels.